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DAC Universal D

DAC Universal D
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Ease of use
New design, touch display with intuitive user interface, guided maintenance workflow Check & Clean. Process safety through automatic program selection. LAN interface for electronical documentation.
Cost-effective reprocessing
Low operating and consumption costs – no use of cleaning and disinfection chemicals and only up to 800 ml water consumption per cycle.
Low investment costs in instruments thanks to cooling at the end of the process and therefore quick return to service.
Fully automatic reprocessing
Six instruments in approx. 15 minutes:
Internal and external cleaning, lubrication (if needed) and disinfection* of straight and contra--angle handpieces, turbines, ultrasonic handpieces and tips, nozzles of multifunctional syringes and powder jet devices as well as powder jet handpieces.
Legal certainty
Cleaning and disinfection process which can be validated. Cleaning and disinfection process in accordance with EN ISO 15883-1 / -2.
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